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How to Grow Your Own Tomatoes

Growing plants with children can help develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about their environment as well as developing their sensory development. Children will learn more about the relationship between living things such as plants and insects if they experience it first hand. 


Why not plan to spend some time outdoors planting seeds! This activity will help educate your child in learning about how things grow and provide them with an appreciation of where food comes from. It will also allow them to learn about insects and the role these have in pollinating flowers and plants.


step 1

Cultivate and grow your very own tomato seeds!

You will need a whole tomato. It can be a large or small tomato. There are many different varieties of tomatoes. If you want to grow cherry tomatoes, you will need a cherry tomato. Or if you want to grow a normal round variety, choose one of these.

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